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Showing posts from October, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween "My Pretties." Hope your day is filled with fun, laughter and loads of sweets! Stay tuned.... Putting the final touches on my closet!! I KNOW! Mike finished work on the "skeleton" part and it looks FABULOUS! I'm running out to Marshalls and Ross today to see if I can "flesh out" the insides with some organizers and hangers. Then everything that has been lying around for the last month will have one last sorting of "do I really need this" and then placing back in. It's funny when you ask yourself that how much you can part with. No more "3 sizes of clothes" stuffed in there... if it doesn't fit today, it's outta there!! I'm even going through things I was keeping as sporting equipment to make certain I only keep what I plan to continue doing. No more excess just space, space, SPACE. I'm loving the feeling of emptiness and openness. It's freeing!

Just When I Thought It Wouldn't Happen....

You all know that I've been PLANNING for a closet remodel. Planning... it's good but it's not action. Action gets things DONE! Well, right now my husband is working a planned outage at his plant and is working so many hours he has not time left over for my projects. That's where the magic happens. Just when I thought it wasn't going to happen, at least not anytime soon, I get this call from my son-in-law, Mike V. , saying he can work it into his schedule!! He came over on Monday to take out all the old stuff and he's coming back tomorrow and the next day to finish the project! Tonight we buy supplies. I'm pinching myself in disbelief that it is actually happening. It's one thing to see it on paper and totally another to be able to actually have it complete. I hope to be able to paint the closet before putting everything back in so it will look and smell fresh and new. So I created a slideshow, a bit boring if you see it for what it is... but empty is goo

De-Cluttering The Closet

The progress is continuing on the closet although it is SLOW! This week's past "assignment" was to go through the closet and decide what was Keep, Donate and Trash and also which items just didn't belong in the closet. I set aside about an hour on a couple of days and made it through all the items in my closet except for the craft area behind the door. I think this area is going to have its own, separate cleaning time. For one thing, I have absolutely no place to put what's in here... yet. By the Spring though, I want to have a HUGE garage sale and winnow out some of the crafts I don't do any more. In my first hour session, I took out all the clothes and tried them on for size. Then I only kept what fit and the items I really LOVE. I heard a great idea here. Turn your hangers around the wrong way and hang your clothes on them. When you wear them, rehang the item back on the hanger in the proper position. At the end of a set time, let's say 6 months, you wi