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Showing posts from January, 2008

Local Farmer's Market

Wednesday mornings in Arroyo Grande, the local farmers hold their Farmer's Market in the parking lot of Spencer's Market from 8:30 to 11:00 am. The fruits and vegetables for sale are fresh, seasonal and mostly organic. Since it's "winter" here, cabanas featured brussel spouts on the stalk, carrots, leeks, butternut squash, oranges, all kinds of cabbage and lettuce, organic apples and even Artisan cheese and bread. At most cabanas, you get the opportunity to chat with the farmers or their representatives and taste before you buy. The price is right and you know you are getting food that was probably picked within the last couple of days. We are very lucky to live in a region of California where produce is grown and nearly every day of the week you can find a Farmer's Market somewhere in the county. For more information about times and places for our local markets please click here . Happy eating of all things fresh.

Where In The Heck is Tepusquet OR Thar's Snow on Them Thar Hills!

So, since my blog is called Life on the Central Coast of California, I should say something about a local place...have you ever heard of Tepusquet? Tepusquet canyon is located East of Santa Maria, California off of Hwy 166. There are several wineries along the road but the reason we took this road was to see snow...yes SNOW! Now we live where it doesn't ordinarily snow. It gets cold and it rains (see prior blog) but seldom snow. Recently in the mountains surrounding our area though, the conditions were right, cold and wet, which turned into snow. So when we crested the mountain between Santa Maria and Hwy 166, this was our view...beautiful, white snow. I think it would be really fun to drive over there and play...gosh it's been YEARS since we went anywhere with snow...2002 to be exact and it was South Lake Tahoe. Back to Tepusquet...I was thinking it was a type of grape since there are so many vineyards and wineries there, but it might have something to do with the Native Ameri...

What's Your Favorite Drink?

What's your favorite Starbucks drink? I'd have to say I love going to Starbucks and having a Vanilla Chai tea. On cold days I have it hot and on hot days I have it iced. When the first Starbucks came to our area about 6 years ago, I started trying different drinks. I've tried the flavored coffees, teas and hot chocolate but always go back to the Chai. Starbucks just came out with a design your own card and I've thought about making one with my favorite drink on it. And as far as gifts go...well, I love to have Starbucks card for every occasion! What does a Chai tea taste like? Well, I got a Snickerdoodle cookie the other day at Starbucks and the taste is similar. Kind of like cinnamon vanilla sugar cookie with a hint of pumpkin pie. As a matter of fact, I sometimes will get my Chai with Pumpkin Spice flavoring added during the Fall months and ummmm ummm is it ever good! So what's your favorite Starbucks drink?

rain, Rain, RAIN!

Ok, I know the rain is necessary. I know all kinds of plants will grow, lakes will be filled, farmers will be really happy, BUT DOES IT HAVE TO RAIN FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT??!! I love the rain, I do. Walking in the rain, using umbrellas and rain boots and splashing in every available puddle was fun when I was 10. Now, it's a different story. Now it's running from house to car, car to grocery store, back to car and, OK yes, DRIVING through every puddle I see. (I didn't say I had gotten over THAT part, LOL) Ever since I moved to this area, I've been plagued by SAD, seasonal affective disorder. Too much gloomy weather and pretty soon that is how I feel too. So usually I just turn on all the lights in the house, play some rockin' music, try to get my heartrate up and take care of myself by eating healthier. Hey, I can do what I can do right? Some areas of the country are having huge snow storms and "Snow Days" so I guess I should be happy that all we have is rain....

Elephant Seals!

We took a trip up the coast today to see the Elephant Seals just North of San Simeon at Piedras Blancas. Rain was forecasted for the day but we decided to try the trip anyway. Driving up we did hit areas of rain but it was clear and sunny at the Elephant Seal beach. This time of year most of the babies have been born. Today we saw hundreds of moms with young and relatively few males. It always amazes me to go to this beach and see the seals as far as your eye can see and packed in like sardines! The babies were yelping to be fed, moms were squealing to contain their children and keep the best locations and every now and then you would hear the big males trumpeting just like the honking horn of a car. Add to this the squabbling of seagulls trying to find something to eat and you can begin to imagine the noise of this aquatic choir. Everywhere you looked mother seals were scooping great flipperfuls of sand and tossing it over themselves and their young . I think it helps to keep the fl...

Happy New Year!

Out with the old year, 2007 and in with the new...2008! I love that it is a New Year! The slate is being wiped clean again leaving a happy void just waiting to be filled. What will the year be like? What changes are going to pop into our life? What can I do each and every day to make life more meaningful and worthwhile? What do I want to do? Breathe deep full breaths of life giving oxygen. In and with positive thoughts, feelings and actions and out with all that is negative. Love like there is no tomorrow, savoring kisses, hugs and showering that love on those close to me. Give of the many gifts and talents I've been given. Exercise the power of the word "CAN" instead of can't. The New Year is full of opportunities just waiting for me to say "I can do that" and then finding the path to make those things happen. Make time for Silence and Reflexion. Take time to do all those things that really "float my boat"... W alking, H iking, P hotog...