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Showing posts from August, 2009

Weekend Trip To San Diego

AARON SANCHEZ Photo by Steve Saenz This past weekend we made a trip to San Diego to watch my nephew, Aaron Sanchez, play in the AFLAC All American Baseball Game between the East and the West. We stayed at the Hilton Bayside on the 25th floor. The views were outstanding! We decided to have dinner at Fred's Mexican Cafe in the Gaslamp Quarter. My hubby and I shared a chicken/steak fajita plate and was it ever good! We walked back to the Hilton and sat around the pool chatting. Saturday we took a trip to Pt. Loma , a place a used to go ALOT when my husband was stationed in San Diego years ago. From the point, you can see all the ships entering and leaving the harbor. There were a few times I was surprised to see the ship my husband was on, the USS Bainbridge, coming in early. This ship has now been scrapped but it was impressive in it's day! Saturday was the day I figured out the game was Sunday, not Saturday. Umm, yeah, how could I have missed THAT! But heck, we were having ...

Making Some Changes

Since last weekend dawned cold and foggy, we thought we would begin working on our front porch. Over the last few years it has gone from a thing of beauty to a catch all for beach chairs, BBQ equipment, tools, etc. It is NOT a thing of peace AT ALL! Here are a few BEFORE pictures to show you just what I'm talking about. Brace's not pretty. This was after we moved a few things around. Man, how do we live like this. It does NOTHING for serenity. We are "dealing" with the overflow by selling, donating and throwing away the junk. Yahoo!! After getting all the stuff off the deck we swept, washed, and de-bugged the area so it would be all fresh and ready for something new. Then, about a week ago, I noticed these sweet rocking chairs for sale at our local WalMart. They were $75 at the time. I mulled it over for another week and when we went back, they were $65! For that price, I had to have them. We bought 2 plus a little table. (I'm ready to go get a fe...

Life's A Beach

As Summer days turn into Summer nights, there is that special time at the beach...sunset. The sky turns all kinds of beautiful colors, birds make their last flight of the day and 100's of people turn out to see what kind of sunset today will bring. We were a part of those 100's a couple of days ago and were treated to one of the most beautiful and colorful sunsets this summer! Life’s a Beach At the beach, life’s different. Time doesn’t move, Waves crash the ocean front, Kissing my feet. Sea glass glistens in the sun, The warm air dances around me Giving a new start to the world. The sand tingles under my feet Like being tickled by love. Laying on the beach shore, Tanning the day away. The tans may fade, But memories Never do. Life's A Beach © patricia polka

They're HERE!!!

They started arriving today! First one. Then two.... Before you knew it....there were 3! Then many, MANY more! They seem to really like it "Hey Brother, come on over here.... FREE FOOD!" Thanks for advertising little bird! "Uh Oh, think she's spotted me! Hey thanks for all the food and the water!" Sure thing little bird, sure thing. "Hey guys, spread the word...the food here is GREAT!" "Oh no, what is that I spy.... a CAT!!??" "No please don't go, don't be alarmed, you can't be afraid of THAT cat. She's old, is declawed (not by me, no hate mail please) and LOVES little fat birdies like you! I PROMISE! And they all lived, "HAPPILY EVER AFTER." THE END

Entertaining Guests

This weekend we started feeding the local hummingbirds again. We see them earlier, but I think there must be more in bloom for them to eat. I noticed them sitting in the tree and singing last week and thought it would be a good idea to clean and fill the little bottles we have for them. Then I noticed the other birds around. Even though we are in a neighborhood, we have quite a few different kinds of birds in our area; Crows, Scrub Jays, Mockingbirds, Swallows in the spring, sparrows, finches, etc. So we decided to make a trip to our local Wild Birds Unlimited store for some advice and a feeder. We ended up getting a medium size feeder, some seed and a birdbath that all fit on a 4 x 4 beam. Our feeder looks like this.... Then we bought the Deluxe seed mix which consists mostly of millet and sunflower seeds. Here's our little hanging birdbath with fresh clean water going in. I'm lucky to have a "handy" man to help me put things up. He got out the tools. Yes that IS a k...