AARON SANCHEZ Photo by Steve Saenz This past weekend we made a trip to San Diego to watch my nephew, Aaron Sanchez, play in the AFLAC All American Baseball Game between the East and the West. We stayed at the Hilton Bayside on the 25th floor. The views were outstanding! We decided to have dinner at Fred's Mexican Cafe in the Gaslamp Quarter. My hubby and I shared a chicken/steak fajita plate and was it ever good! We walked back to the Hilton and sat around the pool chatting. Saturday we took a trip to Pt. Loma , a place a used to go ALOT when my husband was stationed in San Diego years ago. From the point, you can see all the ships entering and leaving the harbor. There were a few times I was surprised to see the ship my husband was on, the USS Bainbridge, coming in early. This ship has now been scrapped but it was impressive in it's day! Saturday was the day I figured out the game was Sunday, not Saturday. Umm, yeah, how could I have missed THAT! But heck, we were having ...