This week really got away from me! I did make a pie but I haven't had time to write the blog. For this week's pie, I decided to try a different crust. Making a good crust is the biggest problem for me when it comes to piemaking. I can't seem to get it to the perfect wetness/ dryness and have it roll out nice. The crust for this week comes from the King Arthur website for a two-crust pie. It made two crusts and I used the food processor to make it up. I like that it was mostly butter but had just a bit of vegetable shortening and I think that helped it have that perfect moistness. Once I rolled it out I used a stainless steel ring to cut the size I needed. You can find these pie cutting rings HERE . And for my pie dish, I used a little pie dish I found at Aldi's last Fall. I only picked up two but wished I had gotten more like 4 or 6. How fun to have a party and have individual pie for each guest! I hope they bring them back sometime this year! I wasn