We are so looking forward to the activities of the day! Thankfully, we are starting slow and easy with just the two of us. I'm putting together Lasagne, a Nucci Salad (greens, rouquefort cheese crumbles, crunchy apples and walnuts with raspberry dressing) and Garlic Bread for later today and just straightening up a bit and doing last minute wrapping. The kids will probably be over around 1:00 and we want to go see this movie as our Christmas Day movie at 2:45. Gosh, I didn't even think to get advance tickets! I wonder if we will even be able to get in?? After the movie we will come back over here and probably pop the Lasagne in and do the gift exchange while we are waiting for it to cook. This year because of the recession, we decided to draw names and then buy as we wanted for Scott and the new baby. Hey, Christmas is for the kids right? We are so Thankful everyone in the family will be able to be here today. That is the gift.... Family.