Not much going on today. The weather is gloomy but no rain. Picture-wise, not much to share... what can I say... It's "Hump" Day. Sometimes just getting through a work week is enough.

And we did decide to go with white cabinet and mirror set and are going to see if they have anything to match for over the toilet area. Wes and Mike are going to start tackling this job on Saturday. By then, Wes said he was going to have the entire room gutted of old cabinets, toilet, tub, etc. Yes, we mean business when we say, "we can re-do that room in 8 days!" Wes, our son and Kristen should be back in our area the first of January to stay for a couple of months and hopefully this bathroom will be done or nearly so.
Tonight we are heading to Home Depot to make those pending Bathroom decisions. We've had an ongoing problem of this overhead cabinet. As you can see from the picture, small cabinet big space AND the cabinet is only here because of the heater ducting you can see on the top shelf. This has been a basically useless area for years and since we are redoing it, we're RE-DOING it!! The cabinet is getting taken out completely, the heating duct is going to be a bit smaller and more square, and we are going to hide it behind a diagonal sloped piece that will make the ceiling look like it's an architectural feature. It will go along this entire rear wall of the bathroom and be painted in to make it just a wall again. We will more than likely put in a cabinet with towel area or a standing over the toilet cabinet, haven't decided that yet. Oh my gosh, look how small and funny that toilet looks just standing there! It was a ridiculous design in the first place. This house used to be a pretty small place until a living room addition and top floor were added. Good news? It's a lot bigger home now. Bad news? They didn't always do things, shall we say, Kosher? The walls aren't square, funky set of stairs in the living room, cabinet doors put on wrong and not a standard size and heating ducts hidden behind cabinets. That's just a few of the strange things. So as we fix up, we are clearing up the mistakes as well. It will be very nice when we are done.

And we did decide to go with white cabinet and mirror set and are going to see if they have anything to match for over the toilet area. Wes and Mike are going to start tackling this job on Saturday. By then, Wes said he was going to have the entire room gutted of old cabinets, toilet, tub, etc. Yes, we mean business when we say, "we can re-do that room in 8 days!" Wes, our son and Kristen should be back in our area the first of January to stay for a couple of months and hopefully this bathroom will be done or nearly so.
We still have a bit more Christmas shopping to do tonight too. Mostly gift cards and that should be quick and easy. Tomorrow evening my girlfriends and their husbands are going out for an Annual Christmas Dinner together at Steamers. We get together each Christmas and go "all out" for dinner and seafood is one of my favorites! I'll do a Restaurant review on Friday.
Happy "Hump Day!"