Today I felt EXTREMELY grateful.... extremely! My wrist is pretty much back to normal. When the symptoms first came up on Friday, I couldn't think of one thing I had done to "mess" is up but it did feel like it was out of alignment somehow. I tried twisting it and bending it back and forth and it just hurt.... period. So I thought maybe it was Carpal Tunnel. All day Saturday I wore my wrist brace and it gave it the support it needed but it was still painful so I broke down and took a couple Tylenol around five in the evening. Then my husband suggested I take a hot bath and soak my wrist. I went into the bathroom and started preparing the bath. I heard a little "pop" sound and thought is was my knee but hoped beyond hope that it was my wrist. I thought, "I'll just move it really slowly and see if anything has changed". Gingerly I started working my wrist up and down, back and forth, left and right and no more weakness and extreme pain! I continued to wear the wrist brace today because things were sore from being out of alignment and by tomorrow, it should be back to normal. Good thing because babysitting my grandson all day would be really hard without my right arm!