Looky Here!!! Isn't this a cute baby? He's my grandog Wilhelm. His Mommy & Daddy, my daughter-in-law and son, are busy with packing and getting ready to move this week. I offered to watch little Wilhelm for the week and they let me!! I'm jumping for joy! We took him down to the beach for a walk today with our weiner, Oscar Mayer, chihuahua, Rico and their "cousin" Brisa, a white German Shepherd. We made quite the quartet. Luckily, both weiners kept about the same pace although you could hear Wilhelm barking all the way up and down the beach. I'm sure it was barking with joy! He had the best time! Then we loaded them all up and brought them home. We have plans to do it all over again tomorrow.
Kristen and Wes III are moving back to this area from Tracy, CA where they have been living or the last 6 months. They will be living with us for a couple of months while they get their deposits together and decide if they are renting or buying in this area. I'm SO looking forward to them being with us for a while.
The bathroom remodel is going very well. No, it's not going to be the 8 day makeover, but already things are looking up. The linoleum and tub have been taken out and thankfully, the floor isn't rotten underneath like I expected. We've figured out a way to hide that ugly cabinet, which I will share later in pictures, and the drywall was being done today. There was a medicine cabinet over the sink that was sunk into the wall and this time, we bought a mirror that flat to the wall and a separate cabinet so that "sinkhole" had to be filled. Then the cabinet makeover piece, a soffit, had to be shaped and adhered so it would look like it's been there forever. Mike held up the new cabinet today and, oh man, it looked SO nice! I can't wait until everything is in and finished. Wes has been taking lots of pictures as they go so we will have a bunch to share as we go along.