Yesterday, I sat down to play my drum and had a revelation. When I'm interested in a subject, I gather too much stuff and hang on to it way too long.
There I was trying to play my drum in an area filled with way too much Yoga stuff. I love Yoga and have books, magazines, videos, mats, a yoga chair and music all in this one small area. How long has it been since I really practiced Yoga though? Over 2 years! I'm not giving it up just because right now I have no time, but is it really necessary to keep or maybe even to "hoard" as much as I have? No. So I think I'm ready to "let go" of most of it and move it along to someone else that might need it at this time in their life. My "keep" pile was very small and my "letting go" pile was very big and the space I'm left with is heavenly, open and freeing.
Maybe this is all just a metaphor for life. It's hard to "let go" of things..... actual physical things, hurts, emotions, life. We "look" at these things daily but they are no longer doing anything positive for us. Yet, we just can't seem to let them go because they HAVE meant something to us. What would life be like without them? Would I ever need them again? And then one day, we risk just letting them go. Maybe one or two things at first just to test the waters because we aren't sure. And life starts to feel better. There is "room" for good to come into our life and fill those newly emptied areas. It gets easier and easier to leave what wasn't working for us behind and we wake up to a new life, a new way of living, free from the "clutter" of what wasn't working.
This "first" cleaning is just the beginning for me too. I'm ready to "let go".