- Keep an eye on ENERGY STAR ratings! The higher, the better.
- Use public transportation.
- Swap one day of driving for walking or biking.
- Buy food from local farms.
- Bring your own reusable bag when you go shopping.
- Turn off your computer at night.
- Unplug electronic devices — including cellphone chargers — when not in use.
- Turning off the water while you’re brushing your teeth can save gallons of water.
- Pass up bottled water for filtered tap water, and while you're at it, use personal thermos' when you pick up that coffee at your favorite coffee shop.
- Recycle, good for the environment and for your pocketbook!
- Before you buy any stuff ask your self whether you need it. Often things are bought at impulse and then they add on to the massive waste. Reading books and magazines contrary to the hard copies will save a lot of trees.
- Switching to organic flowers and e cards instead of paper cards can also be instrumental.
- If you haven’t done so yet replace your light bulbs with energy efficient ones.
- Take the bus today. If the bus stop is too far away ride your bike to the bus stop. Did you know many buses now have bike racks to place your bikes while riding the bus?
- Donate money to your favorite green cause.
- Have a garage sale. You will be surprised at what people will buy at garage sales. You’ll earn a few dollars; clean out your home and help your old items find new homes.
- Carpool. If your coworker lives on the way to your commute to work go ahead and pick him/her up.
- Spring clean you home, office or company and donate your unwanted, but still good items, to a resale shop, a church, the Salvation Army or other charity. Your home, your conscious and the earth will be cleaner for it.
- Plant a tree in your yard or start a garden. Plants and trees help clean the air, are visual expressions of nature's beauty, and uplift us. Even something as simple as growing herbs in a garden can provide nourishment and delicious meals for the family.
- Support a local, organic farmer or CSA. Some farmers require your active participation, some deliver to urban areas. The food is nutritious and delicious, and uses less of our non-renewable resources.
- Buy organic. Look for, and ask for organic produce wherever you buy your groceries, or even better, shop at your local health food store which carries only organic produce. Buying organic reduces pesticide exposure to the land, farmers, harvesters, and your family.
- Spend time in nature. Taking a walk, having a picnic, or simply sitting outdoors and watching the sky, deepens our connection to the natural world , thereby motivating us to be better stewards of the Earth.
