Beach weather.... for those of us living on the Central Coast the weather is mostly mild. My sister calls and asks me the temperatures and I say, "About 65 degrees". That's the average around here. It sometimes gets a bit warmer and we have had it below 32 degrees but rarely. 65 is probably the average temperature. But this week, Holy Cow! We had the heat for a couple of days and thought we were going to die. Now for all of you that live in hot places, you will probably scoff and say, "You call THAT high!?" But for us, IT'S HIGH! We spend summers here in sweatshirts and layering clothes is a regular practice. We don't have air conditioners and a simple fan just doesn't do the trick! Monday's temperature was over 100 degrees! I did a screen capture at 4 PM and that was AFTER the peak heat of the day.
Tuesday was a bit cooler but still in the 90's.
Then finally today, the fog appeared and our temperatures were back to "normal".
See those average temperatures listed for the rest of the week. Like I said..."65 degrees is our average." I hope wherever you are located. You are enjoying a comfortable day.