The middle child, I grew up with two sisters. Because of that, I vowed I'd never have an uneven amount of kids. It was usually two against one in fights, and I've been on both sides of that! It was also a scapegoat position... "I didn't do it, she did, yeah, she did it", and that was that, a spanking for NOTHING!
I wasn't a girlie girl during my elementary school years. Mom and Dad called me a Tom Boy. Girls were already too clique-y and they never wanted to get dirty. I was a "hunt the desert for horned toads, dip into the muddy pond for pollywogs and play football, kickball, baseball, whatever was the ball of choice, every Sunday afternoon with "the guys." In my teen years I met the man of my dreams and got married. In my 20's I had my 4 kids and became Mom. Ok, with this my eyes were opened at just what my parents felt and went through with me. Although I have to say, I tried to be a good kid because of my parent's threats. (My Mom used to say, "Be careful what you do as a kid, because it will come back to you one day times 10, guess you could call that Karma) My 30's and 40's were consumed with getting my kids through school, into their first jobs and married and finally, when I turned 5o, my first grandchild. At 51, we had the first inkling of what having an empty nest would feel like.
But guess what... here I am at 52 and I have kids living back home with me. The nest that was empty is already getting filled with grandkids, 3 due this year alone! I feel blessed, blessed, BLESSED to be here. My health is good, the wrinkles aren't all that bad. You know, I never dreamed I would be 52, it seemed so....OLD. But being here, heck, it isn't all bad. So, Happy Birthday to ME! Here's to the next 50!
