When Beckie came to pick Scott up on Friday evening, we went outside to pick some Ollieberries (yum yum!). The berries are SO good right now, IF you pick the black ones. Scott was a "Picking Wonder" and although we kept telling him, "pick the black ones only", he picked and ate red, black and sometimes even green.
These bushes are LOADED with berries and unfortunately, lots of bermuda grass. We started picking out the grass which turned into a Saturday morning clean up of the berry bed
and another area where we hope to put in a couple of 4 x 4 square foot gardening beds. Yup, we are going to TRY and grow some fresh veggies over the summer. Good exercise and good food.
In the afternoon, we took a drive to run errands and take some pictures. Here are a couple of roadside shots I took.
Then, Wes and I finished a job that we had been working on all week... cleaning up the kitchen and putting in new under the counter lighting. The lights are up and this week we are putting up front panels so you can't see the lights, just a nice, bright countertop.
OOoooo, they make my kitchen look so bright and purdy!!!
And, lucky me... Sunday afternoon was spent taking a card making class with Suzanne Rhyne. We had so much fun and learned some new techniques and walked off with 10 wonderful cards. You can see them HERE.
The one thing that didn't happen was our little grandson's birth. Melody is now 3 days overdue. More on that story HERE. But then.... little babies have their own schedules and "they'll get here when they get here!".
Hope all of you had a great weekend too. Coming up next week.... The Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival.
Schedule: Here