Since last weekend dawned cold and foggy, we thought we would begin working on our front porch. Over the last few years it has gone from a thing of beauty to a catch all for beach chairs, BBQ equipment, tools, etc. It is NOT a thing of peace AT ALL! Here are a few BEFORE pictures to show you just what I'm talking about. Brace's not pretty.
We are "dealing" with the overflow by selling, donating and throwing away the junk. Yahoo!!
Looky, he did it in no time flat and they look so inviting and relaxing! That's a little chess/checker set on the table. Inviting.....
After getting all the stuff off the deck we swept, washed, and de-bugged the area so it would be all fresh and ready for something new.
Then, about a week ago, I noticed these sweet rocking chairs for sale at our local WalMart.

They were $75 at the time. I mulled it over for another week and when we went back, they were $65! For that price, I had to have them. We bought 2 plus a little table. (I'm ready to go get a few more!) Of course they came ready to put together and I had just the right person in mind for the job.
He has put together so much stuff over the years, he doesn't even need to use the "stinkin' directions!"
They were $75 at the time. I mulled it over for another week and when we went back, they were $65! For that price, I had to have them. We bought 2 plus a little table. (I'm ready to go get a few more!) Of course they came ready to put together and I had just the right person in mind for the job.