Here we are, arriving once again at a Global recognition of gratitude, Thanksgiving. As we gather around the table to feast with friends and family, I will be thinking of all the bounty this year has brought to me. Maybe when you choose your word, the Universe lines up to make sure there will be plenty of opportunities to use it. Or perhaps just by adopting a touchstone word, you become more aware of the times it shows up in a day. Either way, I've NEVER had a year so full and overflowing with fun, excitement, events, and growth in my personal life! There was seldom a dull moment! It makes me excited to be thinking of my "Word of the Year."
How about you? What word defines you or would you LIKE to have define your upcoming year? Drawing a blank? Skip on over to Christine's post and maybe you can find a word on her list to inspire you. In the next few days I will let you know the word I chose.
These are a few I've been thinking about.... Re-new, Re-Create, Re-joice, Re-member, Re-lease, Re-Unite, Re-group, Re-surrect....I like the "Re" part of these words; parts of me I may have lost along the way that I am attempting to Re-find. Those closest to me know that in the last 5 years of being helpful to others I have had a temporary pause on my life's forward journey. Well, I'm re-ady to re-embark on my delayed progress and I'm very, VERY excited!
If you come up with any words for me relating to this experience I would LOVE to hear them. Please leave a comment!