Spring moves into Summer and with the change, the beginnings of brand new life. So it is in our family.
In May, we were told there would be two new little ones joining our ever growing family. Melody, Mike and their son, Anthony, will welcome a little girl in November, and our Son and Daughter-In-Law, Kristen, will be having their baby shortly after the New Year.... so shortly in fact that the baby may be a New Year's Baby! It's too early to know what she is having but we will be making the trip to My First Peekaboo in Santa Barbara around the middle of July to find out. If you live anywhere within driving distance to Santa Barbara, I HIGHLY recommend you make an appointment with Anna for the 3D and 4D Ultrasounds! The price is right and she offers money saving packages for every budget. Exciting times!

{Kristen & Wes' New Baby}
{Melody & Mike's New Baby Girl}
On a slightly different note, I'd like to do a quick update on all the recreating we've been working on since the new year began.
1. Replaced a set of doors in our dining room, added wood floors, new paint.
2. We took an ugly under the stairs wall and closed it up to make a closet and full wall for our tv.
3. We put wood floor down from dining room through the living room. I would say, thankfully, I do not have any before pictures but I can tell you it was off white carpeting, 15 years old with loads of urine stains from our dogs over the years. We shampooed regularly but it got to the point that the stains would NOT go away.
4. Turned my seldom used Massage Room into a 2nd Guest Bedroom.
The "Sweet Dreams" Bedroom
More to come......