"If The Only Prayer You Say In Your Entire Life Is - 'Thank You' - That Is Enough"
Meet Audrey Elizabeth!Meister Eckhart 1260-1328Christian Writer and TheologianYou may have noticed... I've skipped just a few days. Well, really more than just a few. But I have a good reason.....
A brand new Grand-daughter has made her way into our lives!
Born: November 11, 2010
Weight: 7 lbs.
She is such a little GIRL!! The spittin' image of her older brother, Anthony, just more pink... and girlie.... and feminine. I think I've been walking around in a cloud of happiness for the last week as I did for all my grandsons. And I'm SO THANKFUL for them all!!
Here's a shout out to all the other Grandparents out there!! Don't we have alot to be Thankful for?? I'd love it if you share a link to pictures of YOUR grandkids on YOUR blog!