"If The Only Prayer You Say In Your Entire Life Is - 'Thank You' - That Is Enough"
Today, I am Thankful for my HOME.Meister Eckhart 1260-1328Christian Writer and Theologian
Everyday I consider myself one of the lucky ones. Since I've been married, I've lived in apartments, duplexes and rental homes. By far, home ownership is THE BEST!
Back in 1995, we started looking for our current home. Each of us made a request that we put on a larger list. The kids each wanted their own bedroom. My youngest daughter had to have a tree out front to climb. For my husband it was a garage (and economical price tag!) and for me it was a large backyard and a peak of the ocean. We must have looked at 10 places... all either too small or too expensive. Then, after having another offer fall through, our Realtor showed us this house that was JUST put on the market, as is, a foreclosure. We made an offer THAT DAY... my Valentine's gift of 1995! It was accepted and we moved in April 1, my Birthday. For the first 3 months or so, I kept thinking someone was going to come and find a reason to take it back. It was just too good to be true! We've lived here 15 years now and in Dorothy Gale's words, "There Is No Place Like Home!"
Our kids are grown and have left this home. They are close by though and we still pretty much "gather" here for family events. This past year we've worked on freshening things up and doing a bit of modernizing. I think this is IT for me. I'm not planning on moving. Our house has increased in value and we have it nearly paid off. Plus, it's home pure and simple.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of those who have had their homes foreclosed on in this economy. I think of the families that are all moving in together like they did during The Great Depression to make ends meet. I think of those who have found themselves homeless with nothing but a tent over their head or maybe not even THAT.