Pictures. If you are like me you have a bunch of them. This one was take just a couple of weeks ago as we were enjoying a visit to Avila Barn. My niece shared it on Facebook a couple of days ago and it's really special to me. From the moment I laid eyes on it I saw the magic that is Family.

(Back row left to right - Me, My sister Lynn, my niece Carla - Carla's sons Cade in the middle and Jake, bottom middle)
My sister Lynn says, "you can see we are related, we look alike." And that we kind of do. But I saw something more. The interconnectedness of a family. Without planning it at all, look at how we are each touching someone. My niece has her arm around my sister. My arm is around my sister and Cade. Lynn has her hand on Jake... we are connected, family. It reminded me of the roots of a tree.... grounded, strong, a bit tangled into each others lives perhaps but that wanting to be included... tangled....touched.
Our families, our "trees" of connectedness, those that have come before and those that will come after us, our wonderful, beautiful, sustaining and strong roots.
I'm so excited to be embarking on my journey next year. The journey my One Little Word will take me on. My journey to document my Roots.....
Seek out your roots and you will find your life.