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Showing posts from July, 2013

Anterior Hip Replacement Part 3: Home Recovery

So what happens when you leave the hospital 3 days after surgery? What do you need to know about continuing the healing process at home? For me, a few things were arranged BEFORE I left the hospital. First off, my Dr. ordered a blood thinner and pain medication prescription that was filled and waiting for me at home. I was also told to have a laxative / stool softener ready.  Because I had so much pain walking before my surgery, I had a cane to use already but I also opted to order and use a walker. It was much more stable and balanced out the weight of my body over two sides rather than just one side as the cane does. As I said in the previous post, I also went ahead and got an adjustable potty that was placed over my existing one so I didn't have to squat so far down to the ground right away. And I had that lovely pack of tools to help me dress myself.  Home Health Care was also ordered by my Dr. so that twice a week for the first 2 weeks home, I would have someone come to check