**Chapel in Thanksgiving Square - Dallas, TX** Thanksgiving has always been a special day for me. Getting together with family plus eating a meal fit for a King is my idea of a celebration! My Dad made a very "memorable" stuffing and was usually the first one up on Thanksgiving morning stuffing the turkey and getting it in the oven. The day before he would make two of the world's best pumpkin pies around. His secret ingredient? A dollop of molasses and you HAD to add extra cinnamon. His crusts were handmade, flaky and delicious. There would always be a little leftover to make little flat pie pieces with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on. There was usually a little of the pie filling leftover that he would pour into small glasses for us to savor like fine wine. It's funny, but I think that's why I love Chai tea so much. It tastes similar to that wonderful pumpkin pie potion. Mom would keep us busy cleaning for days making sure everything was fresh, clean and in it...