Wednesday mornings in Arroyo Grande, the local farmers hold their Farmer's Market in the parking lot of Spencer's Market from 8:30 to 11:00 am. The fruits and vegetables for sale are fresh, seasonal and mostly organic. Since it's "winter" here, cabanas featured brussel spouts on the stalk, carrots, leeks, butternut squash, oranges, all kinds of cabbage and lettuce, organic apples and even Artisan cheese and bread. At most cabanas, you get the opportunity to chat with the farmers or their representatives and taste before you buy. The price is right and you know you are getting food that was probably picked within the last couple of days. We are very lucky to live in a region of California where produce is grown and nearly every day of the week you can find a Farmer's Market somewhere in the county. For more information about times and places for our local markets please click here . Happy eating of all things fresh.