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Showing posts from December, 2009

The Best of 2009

2009 was a very memorable year. Fast and Furious. Something going on nearly every month and not little things either.... BIG things. We started off the year with my son, his wife and their dog moving into our guest room "for a couple of months." Thankfully, we had a room for them to move into and our dogs get along with theirs because the couple of months turned into 11. That does NOT mean it was a bad 11 months. We had a bunch of fun, great dinners, rides on the beach and plenty of laughs. It was almost bittersweet when they moved out.... almost. I think my neighbors were relieved that Wilhelm the weiner found "new digs." He was a bit of a barker. But they bought a really nice home in Atascadero and are now busy decorating and fixing it up in their spare time. Willy loves his new home and has lots of property to run around on. January was also the month our daughter, Tiffany, decided to get married.... in two weeks. Yes, you heard that right, we had two weeks notic...

Christmas.... My Way

When I was little, I would look forward to Christmas for weeks!! All the visits to Santa, Christmas parades, and church events just added to the excitement. Then having children and watching that excitement in them was exhilarating! We had "fat" Christmas' and lean ones but we always had Christmas. Even the year we planned to go to Bass Lake to a cabin in the snow that wound up on the side of the road with a broken transmission and no presents. That Christmas day we instituted going to the movies for entertainment and bright and early on the 26th, we took the kids to Toys R Us and let them shop for about $200 of toys each. Lately though, my interest in Christmas has taken a blow. When my mom, dad and sister passed away, it was hard to celebrate "family" gatherings without our beloved ones. Also, Christmas has become so commercialized and all about the gifts rather than the gathering. Stores bring out the goods before October and the day or so before Christmas, I...

Sharing the Light

"This Christmas mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Keep a promise. Find the time. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize if you were wrong. Think first of someone else. Be kind and gentle. Laugh a little. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love. Speak it again. Speak it still once again." ~ Anonymous As this year comes to a close, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog, leaving encouraging comments and sharing my life's journey and to wish each and every one of you a Season of Joy & Peace. I Love You! Yes, I do! Yes, YOU!!

Affirmations - Getting My Mind Ready For The New Year

Play Affirmations I Love to socialize and celebrate Life. I always know how to have a good time. I AM a social butterfly. My social calendar is always completely filled. I AM silly at heart and it shows! I attract fun and amusing experiences. My social life is youthful and adventurous. I Love to laugh for the silliest reasons. My childish sense of humor is attractive and contagious. I make new friends easily, right now!

And The Word For The Year Is....

Recreate or re-create. 2009 was a very busy year, too busy for my taste and I'm ready to slow down and savor all that 2010 has to bring. I want to bring more recreation into my life; camping, taking trips on the scooters, beach days, matinee movies, time for crafts. In addition, I want to begin to re-create the life I had before the "pause". A few years back, I took classes in the daytime, walked, fixed up my house, could make Dr. appts. for any day of the week at nearly any time. No, I won't be doing all those things, but I'll re-try some and dream up some new things too! I'm excited to see all that 2010 will bring!