2009 was a very memorable year. Fast and Furious. Something going on nearly every month and not little things either.... BIG things. We started off the year with my son, his wife and their dog moving into our guest room "for a couple of months." Thankfully, we had a room for them to move into and our dogs get along with theirs because the couple of months turned into 11. That does NOT mean it was a bad 11 months. We had a bunch of fun, great dinners, rides on the beach and plenty of laughs. It was almost bittersweet when they moved out.... almost. I think my neighbors were relieved that Wilhelm the weiner found "new digs." He was a bit of a barker. But they bought a really nice home in Atascadero and are now busy decorating and fixing it up in their spare time. Willy loves his new home and has lots of property to run around on. January was also the month our daughter, Tiffany, decided to get married.... in two weeks. Yes, you heard that right, we had two weeks notic...