It all began for me in 2nd Grade. Our teacher, Mrs. Adkins, had us bring in empty egg cartons and a pack of seeds. We cut apart the egg cartons and created the perfect seed starter packs that we could use, transplant into a garden and watch the vegetables grow. Working in groups, we would step up to the table, fill each of the 12 holes with dirt and one wonderful seed, then cover them over. I planted Pole Beans. Over the next couple of days, with a little water and sunshine, the "Spring Miracle" happened and little green leaves began to appear. Before long we were able to take them home and plant them in our home gardens and one day, if we were lucky and good gardeners, EAT the beans, peas, tomatoes or radishes that we had grown. I've NEVER outgrown the need to put something in the ground in the Spring. When I was first married, I grew only veggies. Let me tell you, we were on a budget and we needed to make our money work for us. As time went on, it became a mixture of fl...