Everyday I feel so thankful I have good eyesight. Now that I'm aging a bit, I can tell my eyes are changing too, but so far, no real need for glasses. Throughout my day, I see things, things I want to record for others to see. I love to take pictures of the everyday as well as the special events and things in my life. So when my good friend, Janine told me I should enter some of my pictures in the New Times 14th Annual Photo Contest, I figured, WHY NOT?? For me, you don't have to win a contest to prove you have talent. Hey, I'm a hit and miss kind of gal... PROBABLY ALOT LIKE YOU!! That makes me an ordinary person trying my best to make the extraordinary. Lucky for me, I have the opportunity to share my pictures with this blog and my strictly photography blog, Capturing Light & Life. I also share on Flickr and have actually had requests for some of my photos to be put in their groups. So my good friends, here are the pictures I chose to put into the contest along w...