Out with the old year, 2007 and in with the new...2008! I love that it is a New Year! The slate is being wiped clean again leaving a happy void just waiting to be filled. What will the year be like? What changes are going to pop into our life? What can I do each and every day to make life more meaningful and worthwhile? What do I want to do?
Breathe deep full breaths of life giving oxygen. In and out...in with positive thoughts, feelings and actions and out with all that is negative.
Love like there is no tomorrow, savoring kisses, hugs and showering that love on those close to me.
Give of the many gifts and talents I've been given.
Exercise the power of the word "CAN" instead of can't. The New Year is full of opportunities just waiting for me to say "I can do that" and then finding the path to make those things happen.
Make time for Silence and Reflexion.
Take time to do all those things that really "float my boat"...Walking, Hiking, Photography, Arts and Crafts, Camping, Cooking, Sitting around a campfire, Sipping Chai Lattes with family and friends on a lazy morning, Gardening, Hot tubbing on cool evenings, ...oh, the list could on and on!
I hope your list for the New Year is a long and happy one!