My daughter called me this morning to let me know she was too sick to go to work today. She and Scotty have both had a really bad cold. So I thought I would finish our 2008 Christmas Newsletter first. There was only one small section left to complete and then making certain all the I's were dotted and the T's crossed. The weather outside was crisp and winter-like, so I grabbed my dog and took a walk on the beach. When I came home, I spent about an hour doing some routine straightening up around the house. Wes was able to take the afternoon off we and we made a plan to go into San Luis to the DMV and Home Depot. Yup, we are doing another 8 day make-over!! Our hallway bathroom, the main one for the ground floor is in need of a complete overhall. So we get into Home Depot with a thorough list we made 6 months ago and I thought it was going to be clear sailing. But no, it's always more interesting when there is a challenge right? We picked up the lighting, humidity reducing ceiling fan and went to the plumbing area. This is where the problem started. When we made our list up, we knew we had bathroom sink fixtures already so we didn't pick out anything. At the time we made the list we weren't sure if they were chrome, brushed chrome or Brushed Nickel. Turns out they were Brushed Nickel. Do you think we could find the Bath Tub fixtures in Brushed Nickel that matched? Nope! Knowing the lighting was aged bronze, we started looking for that in plumbing. Close but no match. Well, we could change the lights and go for brushed nickel right. Found the plumbing part and went back to the lights. Now we couldn't find lights that worked with the plumbing. "What about just straight chrome?" Found the lights, went back to plumbing and didn't like how it was so "bright."
Now all of a sudden I started noticing the phones ringing and then the beep, beep, beep of those little forklifts and I knew I was in trouble. Wes kept asking me questions, he was helping don't get me wrong, but questions are NOT what I need when I start to get this way. So I calmly said, "Let's just get the fan, it's perfect. We'll go home and look at the flooring we picked and make some decisions and go back. It's just to overwhelming right now." So that's what we did! We weren't even sure about the cabinets and sinks anymore because two out of four bedrooms are white Victorian styling. A dark Mediterranean looking bathroom won't mesh very well. Guess we'll have to make a new plan. Think I'll go online to the website and see if I can "shop" and make a new list so shopping is fast.