Warning * Warning * Warning * Warning * Warning * Warning*
Men....This may NOT be a subject for you.
Men....This may NOT be a subject for you.
Harmony and Balance. Everyone wants more of that including me. Ok, here it is, it's only a matter of time before menopause catches up to me. So far, not many symptoms, but I have friends who are well into it. Not wanting to suffer night sweats, PMS type moodiness or lack of sex drive, I thought I would make the trip early... maybe too early! There is an office in San Luis Obispo called Creating Harmony Women's Healthcare and yesterday was my first appointment.
Before going in, I had to fill out several computerized forms that discussed everything related to being a female that's ever happened to me since my periods began. Needless to say, it was pretty thorough. I met with Kathi Fennelly, the Nurse Practitioner to go over all the information. Bottom line, I'm not anywhere close to menopause yet. My body is making too much Estrogen which can cause breast cancer and heavy periods. You see, I'm fat.... estrogen is stored in fat cells, the more fat cells, the more estrogen, then I think she said estrogen makes more fat that makes more estrogen and so on. So, she said I should probably begin taking ProgesterAll twice a day, everyday, for the next month and keep a journal and see where I'm at after that. It's a pretty easy treatment, not that expensive, available at most health food stores and doesn't have bad side effects. I'm going to try it and see what happens. If it makes my period lighter, I'm all for that! And even though she didn't say it, I'm hoping it makes losing weight easier because I have plans to work on my weight this year.
Don't you wonder why men don't have things that effect them sexually every single decade? For us it's periods, cramps, followed by birth control, then labor and delivery, then more birth control, sometimes permanent. We can have ectopic pregnancies, cancer of ovaries and uterus, heavy bleeding, and then menopause, hormone imbalances, growing facial hair, lack of sex drive and a whole other pot of problems. No wonder when it comes to menopause, most of us are chomping at the bit to be there even if we have a bunch of cruddy symptoms to go through. We think to ourselves, "At least it will all be over!"
Before going in, I had to fill out several computerized forms that discussed everything related to being a female that's ever happened to me since my periods began. Needless to say, it was pretty thorough. I met with Kathi Fennelly, the Nurse Practitioner to go over all the information. Bottom line, I'm not anywhere close to menopause yet. My body is making too much Estrogen which can cause breast cancer and heavy periods. You see, I'm fat.... estrogen is stored in fat cells, the more fat cells, the more estrogen, then I think she said estrogen makes more fat that makes more estrogen and so on. So, she said I should probably begin taking ProgesterAll twice a day, everyday, for the next month and keep a journal and see where I'm at after that. It's a pretty easy treatment, not that expensive, available at most health food stores and doesn't have bad side effects. I'm going to try it and see what happens. If it makes my period lighter, I'm all for that! And even though she didn't say it, I'm hoping it makes losing weight easier because I have plans to work on my weight this year.
Don't you wonder why men don't have things that effect them sexually every single decade? For us it's periods, cramps, followed by birth control, then labor and delivery, then more birth control, sometimes permanent. We can have ectopic pregnancies, cancer of ovaries and uterus, heavy bleeding, and then menopause, hormone imbalances, growing facial hair, lack of sex drive and a whole other pot of problems. No wonder when it comes to menopause, most of us are chomping at the bit to be there even if we have a bunch of cruddy symptoms to go through. We think to ourselves, "At least it will all be over!"