Have you ever stopped to think how complicated we live? We probably create most, if not all of our daily stress. As I look around lately, I feel like I'm living in the middle of a cluttered house and life. Clutter I created! Too much furniture, too many clothes, too much food on my shelves... too much stuff! My dresser drawers barely close because of all the clothes. Most of those clothes are out of style, too small or ones I'd never wear again yet I can't seem to convince myself to part with what I'm NOT using. We have puzzles and games we haven't taken out since the kids left home. There is so much food in the cupboards and on the pantry shelves that it's going to have to be thrown away just from being outdated. I'm not spending my time doing the things I love to do, rather I'm spending time maintaining all this other stuff I no longer even want.
I wrote a few weeks back about going through my Yoga collection and moving it along through our local FreeCycle.com group. Within a week, the items were picked up and it worked out perfectly. I'm happy with the new space I have and the new owner was tickled with what she received as well. It's been a slow process, mainly because of babysitting 5 days a week, but I plan to continue on with this process until my "Things" and my life seem more manageable and stress free.
I want to live a Simple Life. So this weekend, I plan to make a "focus of the week" list of items to go through and simplify. I've already decided that this week is going to be clothes. When the week is over, I'm only going to have clothes that fit and that I love. Everything else is going! It might as well be gone already since I'm not using it. I'm going to live with that initial feeling of emptiness and "lack" that's bound to crop up and just see what happens. In other words, I'm not planning on emptying only to fill it up again or go shopping for a whole new wardrobe. I'll keep you posted on the progress....