Living at the coast makes for pretty cool summers. As temperatures rise in Central California, many plan vacations in our area. For those of us who live here, especially along the beach area, it means fog and lots of it. We wake up to it, go to sleep with it and if we are lucky, it peels back during the warmest times of the day, 11:00 am to about 2:00 pm, each day. What does it look like when it peels back.... kinda like this. This is a picture taken from Avila Beach, one of the warmest and consistently sunny beaches in our area. All those white clouds out there, yeah, that's the fog bank.
As I turn to face southeast towards Grover Beach, you can see we are BURIED in the fog today. It hasn't peeled back for the whole day.

This is looking towards Hwy. 101 and yes, more fog. Right near there are a couple of swimming pools, Sycamore Hot Springs, and Avila Hot Springs. Do you see the key word in there? Hot? If our pools weren't hot, we'd freeze in the summertime. Oh, there is just something wrong with that isn't there? (Check out that view of Avila Harbor on the Sycamore Hot Springs site, gorgeous and NO FOG!)
Do you know what happens when you don't get enough sun? You can get Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Lucky for us, we can drive inland only about 5 to 10 miles and it IS warm and sunny. Hard to believe when we sit here in our sweatshirts all day long.
I think I like the fog though. It's cool to walk in, muffles sounds, helps water the grass and plants, keeps the temperatures bearable and makes me thankful for those sunny parts of the day.

This is looking towards Hwy. 101 and yes, more fog. Right near there are a couple of swimming pools, Sycamore Hot Springs, and Avila Hot Springs. Do you see the key word in there? Hot? If our pools weren't hot, we'd freeze in the summertime. Oh, there is just something wrong with that isn't there? (Check out that view of Avila Harbor on the Sycamore Hot Springs site, gorgeous and NO FOG!)
I think I like the fog though. It's cool to walk in, muffles sounds, helps water the grass and plants, keeps the temperatures bearable and makes me thankful for those sunny parts of the day.