2009 was a very memorable year. Fast and Furious. Something going on nearly every month and not little things either.... BIG things.
We started off the year with my son, his wife and their dog moving into our guest room "for a couple of months." Thankfully, we had a room for them to move into and our dogs get along with theirs because the couple of months turned into 11. That does NOT mean it was a bad 11 months. We had a bunch of fun, great dinners, rides on the beach and plenty of laughs. It was almost bittersweet when they moved out.... almost. I think my neighbors were relieved that Wilhelm the weiner found "new digs." He was a bit of a barker.
January was also the month our daughter, Tiffany, decided to get married.... in two weeks. Yes, you heard that right, we had two weeks notice. We worked feverishly to find the dress, wedding place, reception place, flowers, photography, food and drink, etc. You know what? It was absolutely LOVELY. She married on the beach in Avila and one of her co-workers allowed her to use their property in the foothills of Nipomo for the reception. Chris' mom, Stephanie, made the beautiful wedding cake and one of her friends, a florist, did all the flowers. We all took photos of the wedding and reception and it was so beautiful!!
Throughout the year, I was trying to take pictures for my 365 picture a year website, Capturing Light and Life. As events would take place, I'd grab my camera and go. Using my camera's manual and trial and error, I think I managed to "grow" in my abilities. In October, our local free paper, The New Times, ran a photo contest and I entered a few pictures. Didn't win anything, but had a great time and plan to start up again this year.

Next we have....

Then the 3rd little cousin that was due the 3rd of December arrived the 14th of November. This is little Everest Alan Koehler, son of my daughter, Tiffany, and her husband Chris Koehler.

I KNOW, 3 new grandsons in one year!! And of course, we can't forget big brother Scott.

Then November 26th, our son and his wife, Kristen had their 2nd wedding, or "official" wedding. They were married the year prior in San Luis Obispo courthouse before they moved to Tracy, CA. It was beautiful, fun, and very memorable.
All that busyness and we still found time for a vacation!! I KNOW, amazing right? Wes and I took our scooters up Hwy. 395 to Bridgeport, then West to Hwy. 49 and down into the California Valley, a trip of nearly 1000 miles. We took only what we could carry and even though we were on the road for about 5 days.... we could have gone another 3 to 4 days. We had so much fun that we are already planning another for this year, we think some of Route 66.
Stop by sometime!