"If The Only Prayer You Say In Your Entire Life Is - 'Thank You' - That Is Enough"
Meister Eckhart 1260-1328Christian Writer and Theologian
November is the PERFECT month to have Thankfulness as a focus. The seasons are changing and as always, the holidays are piling one on top of another, hardly allowing us to stop for anything much less giving thanks.
Every day this month, I'm going to share with you, those things in my life that I am thankful for.
Today, I am Thankful for my Life; My parents, upbringing, my teachers, religious education, childhood friends, all those who touched my life as a small child and helped make me who I am today. I always tell my children that if you look back, you are pretty much the same person you were as a child only older and maybe a bit less innocent.

That cutie in the stroller was me. Yes, I had on my teether as a crown... a princess even then! And I'm with my older sister, Lana. She is almost 5 years older than me. Lucky me, I have a "little" sister too, Lynn. It was just the 3 of us girls growing up together. No stinky brothers!!!
I was born in North Dakota while my parents were there helping run my Grandpa's farm. That MUST be where I got my love for animals!
When I was about 4, we moved to small town life in Winslow, AZ. It was a great place to grow up! Fun neighborhood of kids, a neighborhood school, several churches to choose from, 4 seasons.... it was an idyllic life.
We moved when I was nearly 13 and I was shattered... for a while. Eventually I met my husband in our new town and the rest... well, I'm Thankful for ALL of that too! To be able to live so close to the ocean, have a beautiful home, 4 kids that I'm SO very proud of, now grandkids. Each day my life is filled to the brim with things to recognize and give thanks for.
I'd love it if you would share some of the things you are Thankful for too! We could start a Thank-fest! If nothing else, maybe you will lie in bed tonight before you close your eyes and remember with gratitude all your daily blessings.
